Selfie em Foco 2019
A curadoria do Paraty em Foco promoveu a chamada Selfie em Foco 2019, visando expor autorretratos criativos enviados por fotógrafos. Foram selecionados 32 autorretatos, evidenciando a variedade de expressões e abordagens. Participam da exposição Adilson Andrade, Alexandre Suplicy, Ana Gilbert, Antonio Salaverry, Arthur Kolbetz, Bruna Vianna, Carolina França, Cecilia Bethencourt, Felipe Garofalo, Fernanda Lider, Flavia Baxhix, Gilma Mello, Khalil Charif, Lilian Nader, Luci Polina, Luciana Crepaldi, Marcos Marcolla, Maria Jose Benassi, Mariana Pêgas, Marisa Souza, Mazé Martins, Natalia Rocha, Paula Mello, Rafael Silva, Renato Lo, Roberta Sucupira, Rossana Medina, Tacila Torres, Tika Tiritilli, Veronica Machado Nani, Victor Garcia e Zé Renato. Local: Pátio da Casa da Cultura. De 18 de setembro a 14 de outubro.
Paraty em Foco 20 Anos
Paraty em Foco 2024
In 2013, I started documenting the lives os 400 people squatting q 13-floor former office building in San Paulo’s downtown. I became part f the community wile I was living there, for periods of 6 to 8 weeks at a time, sometimes 2 or 3 times a year. The full body of work consists of a series of photographs, video interviews, and collages.
On the Thirteen floors of the Marconi squat, nearly four hundred people are waiting for a dignified housing solution. Within it, the notion of home (a space of emotional relationships and identity), becomes fleeting because of memories and expectations of more stable future. Marconi is a place where life stories share common experiences of nostalgia and lass.