Selfie em Foco 2019
A curadoria do Paraty em Foco promoveu a chamada Selfie em Foco 2019, visando expor autorretratos criativos enviados por fotógrafos. Foram selecionados 32 autorretatos, evidenciando a variedade de expressões e abordagens. Participam da exposição Adilson Andrade, Alexandre Suplicy, Ana Gilbert, Antonio Salaverry, Arthur Kolbetz, Bruna Vianna, Carolina França, Cecilia Bethencourt, Felipe Garofalo, Fernanda Lider, Flavia Baxhix, Gilma Mello, Khalil Charif, Lilian Nader, Luci Polina, Luciana Crepaldi, Marcos Marcolla, Maria Jose Benassi, Mariana Pêgas, Marisa Souza, Mazé Martins, Natalia Rocha, Paula Mello, Rafael Silva, Renato Lo, Roberta Sucupira, Rossana Medina, Tacila Torres, Tika Tiritilli, Veronica Machado Nani, Victor Garcia e Zé Renato. Local: Pátio da Casa da Cultura. De 18 de setembro a 14 de outubro.

Paraty em Foco 20 Anos
Paraty em Foco 2024
Malick Jeng, 19, left Banjul, his hometown and capital of the Gambia, on March 14, 2016. Hi faced a risk journey to Libya, crossing the desert in Mali inside an oil tank where he almost suffocated, and being held in a Lybia prison, where he witnessed the murder of some of his fellow travelers and only gained his freedom thanks to a payment send by his Family. On August 2end 2016, he was rescued from the Mediterranean, on board of a rubber boat with 120 people on board, and transferred to Italy.
He is one of the 181.436 migrants who were rescued from the sea and brought to Italy along 2016, the year that broke the records on the migratory rout of the Central Mediterranean. Once migrants arrive to Sicily, they are transferred to temporary asylum centers located all over the country, where they can spend up to two years until they receive a answer to the asylum request.
Malick was transferred to Biella, north of Italy, where he lives since then. With this reportage, I document his daily live in Italy, which can be representative of the situation of most of the asylum seekers who arrived to Italy along the past year. I started to follow his story after photographing his res-cue in the Mediterranean.